The Boxer Area Rug

The Boxer Area Rug
The Boxer Area Rug celebrates all that is wonderful about these dogs! Woven in soft earth tones, this delightful rug features a fetching portrait of four irresistible Boxer pups.

Created with love and pride by our team of skilled weavers, the beautiful portrait captures the loving and playful disposition that make Boxers so special. And a heart-tugging sentiment -- You look at me with eyes of love; you never hold a grudge. You think I'm far too wonderful to criticize or judge -- adds a perfect final touch.

The Boxer Area Rug
is both resilient and durable. This makes it perfect for so many uses from welcoming guests in a high traffic area to warming up a favorite room as a decorative touch.

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Ships in 1-2 weeks. Arrives after Mother's Day.
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Product Specification:

Measures 5' x 3'.

Item #:4367-0074